Signfix Calculator

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- Notes On Design Guide
- Footing design for cohesive and cohesionless soils is based on Broms method and NZTA P24:2020.
- Multiple post signs are to be constructed with a minimum 1.1m spacing between the posts to comply with the frangibility testing undertaking for the Signfix system.
- Single post sign supports must only be used where the sign attachment resists rotation as in accordance with the state Authority guidelines.
- Design guide is based on poles with aluminium grade 6061+T6
- Note that this estimating tools to be used for the purpose of estimation of lightweight statis signage and footing sizes only. This is an uncontrolled file is not a certified design tool. Certification of any signage including footing sizes will remain the responsibility of the estimating tool user. Refer to Information Sheet for further information regarding Warranty.
- Design Basis
The Signfix wind charts are developed with the following assumptions:
- Safe failure mode is important including design for support post yielding and bending prior to failure of the sign face and its attachment to the posts.
- Importance Level 2 for large roadside signs (panel area > 4.7m2) and 1:250 average recurrence interval in accordance with NZTA P24:2020.
- Importance Level 1 for small roadside signs (panel area <= 4.7m2) and 1:50 average recurrence interval in accordance with NZTA P24:2020.
- Design spreadsheet must not be used for overhead or VMS signs.
- Design spreadsheet has been developed for Region N1, N2, N3 and N4.
- For exposed locations or where the failure of the post is deemed to be more hazardous to road users, we recommend selection of the next post size higher to account for higher wind speeds or use an additional pole.
- Pressures are designed based on a Cshp from Section B.2 with AS/NZS 1170.2 for "Freestanding hoardings and walls"